Looking at the past to understand the future
SHOC (Social History of Capitalism) is one of the recognized Large Research Groups of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Our core objective is to study the social history of capitalism from a bottom-up point of view. We conceptualize capitalism as a social process that exponentially boosted material production but also generated structural inequalities throughout the medieval, early modern and modern world. We aim to engage with the interactions and negotiations which shaped these outcomes, incorporating non-human, technological, and subaltern perspectives. Considering different contexts across the world allows us to disentangle the relationship between specific social configurations and the effects of capitalist expansion on welfare, social relations, migration and the environment in the long run, from the late middle ages until the 20th century.
Recent news
New publication by SHOC member Bas Spliet
We are proud to announce that SHOC member Bas Spliet has recently published a new article in The Low Countries Journal of Social and Economic History (TSEG). Find the article, entitled 'Plain and Old': Why Did Paintings Go out of Fashion? via this link.MARIE-CHARLOTTE DUBOIS JOINS SHOC
Marie-Charlotte Dubois (°2001) is joining SHOC as a PhD researcher. She obtained her Bachelor of Arts in History (2022) and Master of Arts in History (2023) at KU Leuven. She is specialized in medieval history.JOHN LATHAM-SPRINKLE JOINS SHOC!
John Latham-Sprinkle is joining SHOC as a postdoctoral researcher. John studied for his BA in History at King’s College London, and for MA degrees in Medieval History and Historical Research Methods at the University of Leeds and the School of Oriental and African Studies, London.
Upcoming events
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SHOC seminar with Philipp Höhn (Martin-Luther-Universität Halle Wittenberg)
"Maritime Violence, Marginalization and the Formation of Markets in Late Medieval England"
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"Sprekende Straten": on tour with SHOC
Imagine the vowels and cobblestones of Brussels whispering stories of times gone by... Walk with us through the heart of the city and listen to the echoes of the past.
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SHOC colleague Anne Winter gives lecture during study day ‘Migration and spatiality’
SHOC colleague Anne Winter gives a lecture entitled ‘migration and urban change in the 19th and 20th centuries’ during the study day ‘Migration and spatiality’.
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SHOC Seminar with Judy Stephenson (University College London)
"Wages before Machines: The microeconomics of solving the wage puzzle of the Industrial Revolution"